Voice Distributions and X-Man Entertainment is proud to present to you the long awaited DVD documentary “30 Years Behind The Mic” Maurice THE VOICE Watts. This 2 hour documentary takes you inside the world of New York’s UNSUNG radio personality Maurice Watts private life at home as well as his professional life at the radio station and on stage from 1982 to today.
See footage of him practicing for his performances with Ali Woodson & The Emperors of Soul, his gospel days with The Ecstatistics and him singing with Dennis Edwards. Find out how he got the name THE VOICE and get the 411 about his Jheri curls and more. Learn about the true miracles that occurred during The Love Zone. Many of his listeners, fans and family are capture in this film so we hope you enjoy it as much as we’ve enjoyed producing it for you. Order yours here today and let us know what you think below.
1) Growing Up In Harlem
2) My Love For The Temptations
3) My Start In Radio with My Dad
4) The Name THE VOICE
5) The Ecstatistics
6) The Jheri Curl
7) Meeting Tammy
8) Leaving The Ecstatistics
9) My First Son Eugene
10) The Love Zone
11) My Idols & Comparison
12) The Difference
13) The Love Zone
14) Love Zone Miracles
15) The Entrepreneur
16) Ali Woodson
17) The Birth of MJ
18) The Emperors of Soul
19) The Promoter
20) The Emcee
21) The Family Man
22) 30 Years Later
23) Anniversary Greetings
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Lenor Farrow –
Hi Maurice, How are you? I just got through looking at your 30th Anniversary Dvd and i love every moment of it. I was crying and laughing about the memories you shared with all of us, They are your precious memories from beginning to end. Thank you for the 30 years and please continue to give us your best, We love you very much. God has blessed you tremendously, You are without a doubt rich beyond money, You have a beautiful family, health, home, etc. My family and i love you because you are the most realist, loving,kindness, passionate human being we know. Keep doing what you do best is giving us great music, I mean everything that i’ve said from the bottom of my heart. You are truly 1 of a kind… Muah!!!!
M. W. George –
Maurice Watts not only took you into his home and shared his personal life and stories, he displayed how his radio personality reaches far beyond the control board and into the lives for family and friends. It is not often that you get a chance to really know the person behind the Mic and in this documentary you get that and more. If you ever wanted to know what is Personality Radio; then, viewing this documented material will give you exactly what it is and how it works without boring you. This one is a “Keepsake!”
Alberta Cannady –
I anticipated as what to expect from this DVD and I was not disappointed. I met Maurice by way of Facebook and through him introduced to his radio station and from that point on I was hooked, so to say the least when I heard about his 30 years behind the music, there was no way I could let this past me by. I had to have it. it’s because of this DVD that I became even more aware of who Maurice really is. So, if you love music and love the Dee Jays that introduces and plays your favorite music then you will love knowing and learning how artist and Dee Jay’s work hand and hand. This DVD is a must have!